The adoption of this Code intends to meet the needs and expectations of all internal and external interlocutors within the company.
This Code represents:
• the founding document of Mondorevive ethics, which all recipients sign when starting their collaboration with the Company;
• a tool of fundamental importance for ethical and sustainable business growth.
The Code of Ethics is addressed to: administrators, managerial staff, clerks, workers, as well as to all external collaborators, such as, by way of example only: suppliers, consultants, agents and representatives; for information to public and control bodies.
Compliance with the code is binding for all employees and collaborators, as well as compliance with the rules of the legal system in which they operate (national, supranational or foreign) and the requirements contained in collective agreements.
Those who hold positions of manager or manager must be an example for others, demonstrating that compliance with the Code of Ethics is a fundamental part of our daily work and that business results must never be separated from observance of the principles contained therein.
Mondorevive undertakes to inform all those with whom it enters into business relationships of the existence of the Code, requesting its adoption as a basic requirement for continuing or establishing any form of collaboration.
We are all called to ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics.
Mondorevive complies with local and national laws and other applicable laws, the prevailing sector regulations, other requirements to which the organization adheres. When these laws, regulations or other requirements to which the organization adheres concern the same issue, the provision that is more favorable to workers is applied.